Cats only boarding in Qualicum Bay on Vancouver Island
Each unit has a soft, comfy bed with additional floor blankets, but your cat might appreciate having their familiar bed or blanket.
Let us know your cat's particular needs for medical treatments and petting preferences.
We understand that each cat has its own character and needs, and we will try to accommodate all of them to the best of our abilities.

Our Comfy Cat accommodations are designed for your cat's enjoyment, your peace of mind and our priorities of cleanliness and security.
The Comfy Cat serves meals twice a day unless otherwise specified, and changes litter boxes, (we use wood pellets) at least once a day and more often as needed, with lots of time for pets and snuggles. Late-night comfort checks make sure everyone is happy and ready for bed.
We have two options for accommodations:
The Main Kennel $25 /day / first cat, $15 per additional cat
The Kitty Cabana $20 /day / first cat, $12 per additional cat
Charges are by the day with the first and last day included.

The MAIN KENNEL - $25 / day
three story condos with private outdoor balconies
individual time in outdoor catio​​ with climbing tree

Three floor interior kitty condos.
Circulating air system and air conditioner
Each condo has its own window and cat door to an outside, private, enclosed balcony.
Cat TV with favourite squirrel and bird movies (not much plot but definitely feline award winners)
Enclosed catio for playtime with the cat tree. Cats are let out to play individually
MAIN KENNEL Rates by the day:
1 to 30 days / 1st and last day included
1 cat - $25 / day
additional cat in same condo - $15 / day
adjoining condos for up to 4 cats
$25 / day / each of the first two cats,
plus $15/ day / per additional cat
31 + days long term discount
1 cat - $20 / day
additional cat in same condo - $12 / day
adjoining condos for up to 4 cats
$20 / day / each of the first two cats,
plus $12 per additional cat
The KITTY CABANA - $20 / day Large kennel crates with 2 floors - kennel alternative for short-term stays or high traffic months.

Roomy crate cages. 42 x 28 x 31 in.
Two levels separating lounging areas from food and litter
Adjoining crates available for 'families'
Circulating air system and air conditioner
Clean, secure, and loving care
KITTY CABANA Rates by the day:
1 to 30 days / 1st and last day included
1 cat - $20 / day
additional cat in same condo - $12 / day
adjoining condos for up to 4 cats $20 / day / first cat,
plus $12 per additional cat
31+ days long term discount
1 cat - $17 / day
additional cat in same condo - $10 / day
adjoining condos for up to 4 cats $15 / day / first cat,
plus $10 per additional cat